

  • Data and Software Preservation for Open Science (DASPOS): Interdisciplinary Commonalities [Thurs July 25 (PM only)]
  • Digital Preservation of Research Methods and Artefacts (DPRMA) [Thurs July 25 (PM only), co-located with DASPOS workshop]
  • Digital Scholarship at the Crossroads: Digital Scholarly Objects and the Development of New Scholarly Paradigms  CANCELLED
  • Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL 2013) [Thurs July 25 (PM) & Fri July 26 (AM)]
  • 2nd International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2013) [Fri July 26 (All day)]
  • Curate Camp [Fri July 26 (All day)]

Register and pay for one or more of these workshops via online registration


Thursday July 25

Full-Day Workshop, Part One [full descriptions below]

  • Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL 2013) [more info]

Half-Day Workshops [full descriptions below]

  • Data and Software Preservation for Open Science (DASPOS): Interdisciplinary Commonalities [more info]
  • Digital Preservation of Research Methods and Artefacts [more info, co-located with DASPOS workshop]

13:00 - 15:00 Workshops

15:00 - 15:30 Afternoon Break

15:30 - 17:00 Workshops

Friday July 26

Full-Day Workshop, Part Two (AM only)

  • Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL 2013) [more info]

Full-Day Workshops [full descriptions below]

  • 2nd International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2013) [more info]
  • Curate Camp [more info]

8:00 - 12:00 Workshops

12:00 - 13:00 Box lunch for Curate Camp attendees

13:30 - 14:30 Workshops (WOSP 2013, Curate Camp)

14:30 - 15:00 Afternoon break for Curate Camp attendees

15:00 - 16:30 Workshops (WOSP 2013, Curate Camp)


Half-day Workshop Descriptions

Register and pay for one of these half-day workshops via online registration.

Data and Software Preservation for Open Science (DASPOS): Interdisciplinary Commonalities
[additional information available at DASPOS site]

  • Rick Johnson
  • Elisabeth Long
  • Natalie Meyers
  • Michael Hildreth
  • Douglas Thain
  • Jaroslaw Nabrzyski
  • Robert Gardner
  • Mark Neubauer
  • Kenneth Bloom
  • Kyle Cranmer
  • Gordon Watts
  • Charles Vardeman

This workshop is an exploration of the key technical problems that must be solved to provide data and software preservation for open science. Preservation has many elements, including a physical archival system for storing data, an organization and policy for deciding what to store and for how long, and technical means for organizing and representing data and software so that they remain usable and discoverable. During this workshop, under the aegis of the DASPOS project, we will conduct a discovery and coordination activity to bring together a broad community of experts and stakeholders to define, discuss, and document the details of data and software preservation across different disciplines. We are exploring appropriate data, software and algorithmic preservation approaches, including the contexts necessary to understand, trust and reuse data.

Digital Preservation of Research Methods and Artefacts (co-located with DASPOS workshop)
[additional information available at DPRMA 2013 website]
  • Kevin Page
  • Jun Zhao
  • David De Roure

The process of research in both the sciences and humanities has, and continues, to undergo significant change in addressing the needs of our ever more digital world. Researchers are adapting to the opportunities presented by working at scale with increasingly large datasets, creating methodologies and tooling for assistance and automation, and undertaking multi-disciplinary collaboration with colleagues and specialisations distributed around the globe.

This brings with it challenges for the capture, publication, and preservation of research output. In this world a single document or journal paper -- perhaps by a single author with a narrow subject focussed bibliography -- is no longer sufficient for useful encapsulation of the complete research output. This is particularly the case when considering the need to disseminate, reproduce and reuse methods and findings as the foundation of ongoing scholarly research and academic discourse.

This workshop will consider how Digital Libraries can adapt to meet these needs. Starting with the complex digital objects needed to store the multi-format artefacts such as datasets, workflows, results and publications, the workshop will discuss how they they be captured, stored, associated, retrieved, and visualised. Can, or should, Digital Libraries address the needs of scale presented by big data directly and wholly, or play a well-defined role within an ecosystem of interoperable services? What are the challenges for curation of dynamic resources often more akin to software than documents, where iterative experiments comprise of changing datasets, codes, and authors? What additional research context should be preserved in addition to traditional dissemination mechanisms? What models and semantics can capture this context, and what role can provenance, versioning, and dependency analysis play in their preservation? How will researchers access and reuse these preserved artefacts?

Digital Scholarship at the Crossroads: Digital Scholarly Objects and the Development of New Scholarly Paradigms


  • Paul Bracke
  • Mark Martin
  • Joan Starr

The three key aims of DataCite are to improve the discovery of, access to and use of research data and other digital scholarly objects. With e-science, computational methods, and digital humanities transforming the ways in which research is conducted, improved means of managing, providing access to, and using digital scholarly objects have garnered increasing attention. This workshop will focus on demonstrating practical ways that DataCite, its members and data centres are enabling these aims to be implemented. Invited speakers will come from the research, library, digital humanities and data curation communities.

Full-Day Workshop Descriptions

Register and pay for these full-day workshops via online registration.

Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL 2013)
[more info]
  • Edward Fox

**Participants are welcome to attend even if only available for Thursday afternoon session.**

This workshop will explore the integration of web archiving and digital libraries, so the complete life cycle involved is covered, from creation/authoring, uploading/publishing in the Web (including Web 2.0), (focused) crawling, curation, indexing, exploration (including searching and browsing), archiving, (text) analysis, up through long-term preservation.

It will include particular coverage of current topics of interest, such as:

  • archiving related to disasters
  • working with big data
  • mobile web archiving
  • Momento and SiteStory
2nd International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2013) [additional information available at WOSP 2013 website]
  • Petr Knoth
  • Zdenek Zdrahal
  • Markus Muhr
  • Nuno Freire

Digital libraries that store scientific publications are becoming increasingly central to the research process. They are not only used for traditional tasks, such as finding and storing research outputs, but also as a source for discovering new research trends or evaluating research excellence. With the current growth of scientific publications deposited in digital libraries, it is no longer sufficient to provide only access to content. To aid research it is especially important to improve the process of how research is being done.

The recent development in natural language processing, information retrieval and the semantic web make it possible to transform the way we work with scientific publications. However, in order to be able to improve these technologies and carry out experiments, researchers need to be able to easily access and use large databases of scientific publications.

This workshop aims to bring together people from different backgrounds who: (a) are interested in analysing and mining databases of scientific publications, (b) develop systems that enable such analysis and mining of scientific databases or (c) who develop novel technologies that improve the way research is being done.