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Instructions for Presenters

Tuesday July 23 | Wednesday July 24 | Thursday July 25


10:45 AM Session #1 Web 2.0
Session Chair: Paul Bogen

Identification of Useful User Comments in Social Media: A Case Study on Flickr Commons - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
Elaheh Momeni, Ke Tao, Bernhard Haslhofer, Geert-Jan Houben
WikiMirs: A Mathematical Information Retrieval System for Wikipedia
Xuan Hu, Xiaoyan Lin, Liangcai Gao, Zhi Tang, Xiaofan Lin, Josef Baker
Interacting with and through a Digital Library Collection: Commenting behavior in Flickr’s The Commons
Sally Jo Cunningham, Malika Mahoui
A Comparative Study of Academic impact and Wikipedia Ranking
Xin Shuai, Zhuoren Jiang, Xiaozhong Liu, Johan Bollen

10:45 AM Session #2 Preservation I
Session Chair: Martin Klein

A Distributed Archival Network for Process-Oriented Autonomic Long-Term Digital Preservation
Ivan Subotic, Lukas Rosenthaler, Heiko Schuldt
Evaluating Sliding and Sticky Target Policies by Measuring Temporal Drift in Acyclic Walks Through a Web Archive - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
Scott Ainsworth, Michael Nelson
Medusa at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: A Digital Preservation Service Based on PREMIS
Kyle Rimkus, Thomas Habing
First Steps in Archiving the Mobile Web: Automated Discovery of Mobile Websites
Richard Schneider, Frank McCown

1:45 PM Session #3 Education
Session Chair: Ed Fox

Vertical selection in the information domain of children - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd Hiemstra, Theo Huibers
Automatic Extraction of Core Learning Goals and Generation of Pedagogical Sequences Through a Collection of Digital Library Resources
Ifeyinwa Okoye, Tamara Sumner
Building a Search Engine for Computer Science Course Syllabi
Nakul Rathod, Lillian Cassel

1:45 PM Session #4 Information Ranking
Session Chair: Kazunari Sugiyama

Ranking experts using Author-Document-Topic graphs
Sujatha Das Gollapalli, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles
Aggregating Productivity Indices for Ranking Researchers across Multiple Areas
Harlley Lima, Thiago Silva, Mirella Moro, Rodrygo Santos, Wagner Meira Jr., Alberto Laender
IFME: Information Filtering by Multiple Examples with Under-Sampling in a Digital Library Environment
Mingzhu Zhu, Chao Xu, Yi-Fang Wu
Can't see the forest for the trees? A citation recommendation system
Cornelia Caragea, Adrian Silvescu, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles

3:45 PM Session #5 Evaluation
Session Chair: Lillian Cassel

Comparative Appraisal: Systematic Assessment of Expressive Qualities
Melanie Feinberg
Charting the Digital Library Evaluation Domain with a Semantically Enhanced Mining Methodology
Eleni Afiontzi, Giannis Kazadeis, Leonidas Papachristopoulos, Michalis Sfakakis, Giannis Tsakonas, Christos Papatheodorou
Mendeley Group as A New Source of Interdisciplinarity Study: How Disciplines Interact on Mendeley?
Jiepu Jiang, Chaoqun Ni, Daqing He, Wei Jeng
Following Bibliometric Footprints: The ACM Digital Library and the Evolution of Computer Science
Shion Guha, Stephanie Steinhardt, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Carl Lagoze

3:45 PM Session #6 Information Clustering
Session Chair: Xiaozhong Liu

Information-theoretic Term Weighting Schemes for Document Clustering - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
Weimao Ke
Exploiting Potential Citation Papers in Scholarly Paper Recommendation - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
Kazunari Sugiyama, Min-Yen Kan
Addressing diverse corpora with cluster-based term weighting
Peter Organisciak
Interactive Search Result Clustering: A Study of User Behavior and Retrieval Effectiveness
Xuemei Gong, Weimao Ke, Yan Zhang, Ramona Broussard



10:30 AM Session #7 Specialist DLs
Session Chair: Michael Nelson

Tipple: Location-Triggered Mobile Access to a Digital Library for Audio Books - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
Annika Hinze, David Bainbridge
Redeye: A Digital Library for Forensic Document Triage - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
Paul Bogen, Amber McKenzie, Rob Gillen
Local Histories in Global Digital Libraries: Identifying Demand and Evaluating Coverage
Katrina Fenlon, Virgil Varvel
Instrument distribution and music notation search for enhancing bibliographic music score retrieval
Laurent Pugin, Rodolfo Zitellini

10:30 AM Session #8 Name Extraction
Session Chair: Ron Larsen

A search engine approach to estimating temporal changes in gender orientation of first names
Brittany N. Smith, Mamta Singh, Vetle I. Torvik
A Relevance Feedback Approach for the Author Name Disambiguation Problem
Thiago A. Godoi, Ricardo Da S. Torres, Ariadne M. B. R. Carvalho, Marcos André Gonçalves, Anderson A. Ferrreira, Weiguo Fan, Edward A. Fox
Extracting and Matching Authors and Affiliations in Scholarly Documents
Huy Do Hoang Nhat, Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran, Philip S. Cho, and Min Yen Kan

1:30 PM Session #9 Metadata
Session Chair: Unmil Karadkar

User-centered Approach in Creating a Metadata Schema for Video Games and Interactive Media
Jin Ha Lee, Hyerim Cho, Violet Fox, Andrew Perti
Automatic Tag Recommendation for Metadata Annotation Using Probabilistic Topic Modeling - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
Suppawong Tuarob, Line C. Pouchard, C. Lee Giles
The User-Centered Development and Testing of a Dublin Core Metadata Tool
Catherine Hall, Michael Khoo
Identification of Works of Manga Using LOD Resources - An Experimental FRBRization of Bibliographic Data of Comic Books -
Wenling He, Tetsuya Mihara, Mitsuharu Nagamori, Shigeo Sugimoto

1:30 PM Session #10 Web Replication
Session Chair: Rob Sanderson

Reading the Correct History? Modeling Temporal Intention in Resource Sharing
Hany Salaheldeen, Michael Nelson
An Evaluation of Caching Policies for Memento TimeMaps
Justin F. Brunelle, Michael L. Nelson
Extending Sitemaps for ResourceSync
Martin Klein, Herbert Van de Sompel
Multimodal Alignment of Scholarly Documents and Their Presentations
Bamdad Bahrani, Min-Yen Kan

3:30 PM Session #11 Data
Session Chair: Brad Hemminger

Visual-Interactive Querying for Multivariate Research Data Repositories Using Bag-of-Words
Maximilian Scherer, Tatiana Von Landesberger, Tobias Schreck
The Challenges of Digging Data: A Study of Context in Archaeological Data Reuse
Ixchel Faniel, Eric Kansa, Sarah Whitcher Kansa, Julianna Barrera-Gomez, Elizabeth Yakel
Constructing an Anonymous Dataset From the Personal Digital Photo Libraries of Mac App Store Users
Jesse Prabawa Gozali, Min-Yen Kan, Hari Sundaram
Modeling Heterogeneous Data Resources for Social-Ecological Research: A Data-Centric Perspective
Miao Chen, Umashanthi Pavalanathan, Scott Jensen, Beth Plale

3:30 PM Session #12 Historical DLs
Session Chair: Edie Rasmussen

Non-Linear Book Manifolds: Learning from Associations the Dynamic Geometry of Digital Libraries
Richard Nock, Frank Nielsen, Eric Briys
LSH-Based Large Scale Chinese Calligraphic Character Recognition
Yuan Lin, Jiangqin Wu, Pengcheng Gao, Yang Xia, Tianjiao Mao
Automatic Performance Evaluation of Dewarping Methods in Large Scale Digitization of Historical Documents
Maryam Rahnemoonfar
Semiautomatic Recognition and Georeferencing of Places in Early Maps
Winfried Höhn, Hans-Günter Schmidt, Hendrik Schöneberg



09:00 AM Session #13 Preservation II
Session Chair: Tim Cole

Access Patterns for Robots and Humans in Web Archives
Yasmin Alnoamany, Michele C. Weigle, Michael L. Nelson
Free Benchmark Corpora for Preservation Experiments: Using Model-Driven Engineering to Generate Data Sets
Christoph Becker, Kresimir Duretec
A scalable, distributed and dynamic workflow system for digitization processes
Hendrik Schöneberg, Hans-Günter Schmidt, Winfried Höhn
Domain-specific Image Geocoding: A Case Study on Virginia Tech Building Photos
Lin Tzy Li, Otávio A. B. Penatti, Edward A. Fox, Ricardo Da Silva Torres