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Tuesday July 23 | Wednesday July 24 | Thursday July 25
10:45 AM Session #1 Web 2.0
Session Chair: Paul Bogen
- Identification of Useful User Comments in Social Media: A Case Study on Flickr Commons - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
- Elaheh Momeni, Ke Tao, Bernhard Haslhofer, Geert-Jan Houben
- WikiMirs: A Mathematical Information Retrieval System for Wikipedia
- Xuan Hu, Xiaoyan Lin, Liangcai Gao, Zhi Tang, Xiaofan Lin, Josef Baker
- Interacting with and through a Digital Library Collection: Commenting behavior in Flickr’s The Commons
- Sally Jo Cunningham, Malika Mahoui
- A Comparative Study of Academic impact and Wikipedia Ranking
- Xin Shuai, Zhuoren Jiang, Xiaozhong Liu, Johan Bollen
10:45 AM Session #2 Preservation I
Session Chair: Martin Klein
- A Distributed Archival Network for Process-Oriented Autonomic Long-Term Digital Preservation
- Ivan Subotic, Lukas Rosenthaler, Heiko Schuldt
- Evaluating Sliding and Sticky Target Policies by Measuring Temporal Drift in Acyclic Walks Through a Web Archive - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
- Scott Ainsworth, Michael Nelson
- Medusa at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: A Digital Preservation Service Based on PREMIS
- Kyle Rimkus, Thomas Habing
- First Steps in Archiving the Mobile Web: Automated Discovery of Mobile Websites
- Richard Schneider, Frank McCown
1:45 PM Session #3 Education
Session Chair: Ed Fox
- Vertical selection in the information domain of children - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
- Sergio Duarte Torres, Djoerd Hiemstra, Theo Huibers
- Automatic Extraction of Core Learning Goals and Generation of Pedagogical Sequences Through a Collection of Digital Library Resources
- Ifeyinwa Okoye, Tamara Sumner
- Building a Search Engine for Computer Science Course Syllabi
- Nakul Rathod, Lillian Cassel
1:45 PM Session #4 Information Ranking
Session Chair: Kazunari Sugiyama
- Ranking experts using Author-Document-Topic graphs
- Sujatha Das Gollapalli, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles
- Aggregating Productivity Indices for Ranking Researchers across Multiple Areas
- Harlley Lima, Thiago Silva, Mirella Moro, Rodrygo Santos, Wagner Meira Jr., Alberto Laender
- IFME: Information Filtering by Multiple Examples with Under-Sampling in a Digital Library Environment
- Mingzhu Zhu, Chao Xu, Yi-Fang Wu
- Can't see the forest for the trees? A citation recommendation system
- Cornelia Caragea, Adrian Silvescu, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles
3:45 PM Session #5 Evaluation
Session Chair: Lillian Cassel
- Comparative Appraisal: Systematic Assessment of Expressive Qualities
- Melanie Feinberg
- Charting the Digital Library Evaluation Domain with a Semantically Enhanced Mining Methodology
- Eleni Afiontzi, Giannis Kazadeis, Leonidas Papachristopoulos, Michalis Sfakakis, Giannis Tsakonas, Christos Papatheodorou
- Mendeley Group as A New Source of Interdisciplinarity Study: How Disciplines Interact on Mendeley?
- Jiepu Jiang, Chaoqun Ni, Daqing He, Wei Jeng
- Following Bibliometric Footprints: The ACM Digital Library and the Evolution of Computer Science
- Shion Guha, Stephanie Steinhardt, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Carl Lagoze
3:45 PM Session #6 Information Clustering
Session Chair: Xiaozhong Liu
- Information-theoretic Term Weighting Schemes for Document Clustering - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
- Weimao Ke
- Exploiting Potential Citation Papers in Scholarly Paper Recommendation - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
- Kazunari Sugiyama, Min-Yen Kan
- Addressing diverse corpora with cluster-based term weighting
- Peter Organisciak
- Interactive Search Result Clustering: A Study of User Behavior and Retrieval Effectiveness
- Xuemei Gong, Weimao Ke, Yan Zhang, Ramona Broussard
10:30 AM Session #7 Specialist DLs
Session Chair: Michael Nelson
- Tipple: Location-Triggered Mobile Access to a Digital Library for Audio Books - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
- Annika Hinze, David Bainbridge
- Redeye: A Digital Library for Forensic Document Triage - Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award Nominee
- Paul Bogen, Amber McKenzie, Rob Gillen
- Local Histories in Global Digital Libraries: Identifying Demand and Evaluating Coverage
- Katrina Fenlon, Virgil Varvel
- Instrument distribution and music notation search for enhancing bibliographic music score retrieval
- Laurent Pugin, Rodolfo Zitellini
10:30 AM Session #8 Name Extraction
Session Chair: Ron Larsen
- A search engine approach to estimating temporal changes in gender orientation of first names
- Brittany N. Smith, Mamta Singh, Vetle I. Torvik
- A Relevance Feedback Approach for the Author Name Disambiguation Problem
- Thiago A. Godoi, Ricardo Da S. Torres, Ariadne M. B. R. Carvalho, Marcos André Gonçalves, Anderson A. Ferrreira, Weiguo Fan, Edward A. Fox
- Extracting and Matching Authors and Affiliations in Scholarly Documents
- Huy Do Hoang Nhat, Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran, Philip S. Cho, and Min Yen Kan
1:30 PM Session #9 Metadata
Session Chair: Unmil Karadkar
- User-centered Approach in Creating a Metadata Schema for Video Games and Interactive Media
- Jin Ha Lee, Hyerim Cho, Violet Fox, Andrew Perti
- Automatic Tag Recommendation for Metadata Annotation Using Probabilistic Topic Modeling - Student Best Paper Award Nominee
- Suppawong Tuarob, Line C. Pouchard, C. Lee Giles
- The User-Centered Development and Testing of a Dublin Core Metadata Tool
- Catherine Hall, Michael Khoo
- Identification of Works of Manga Using LOD Resources - An Experimental FRBRization of Bibliographic Data of Comic Books -
- Wenling He, Tetsuya Mihara, Mitsuharu Nagamori, Shigeo Sugimoto
1:30 PM Session #10 Web Replication
Session Chair: Rob Sanderson
- Reading the Correct History? Modeling Temporal Intention in Resource Sharing
- Hany Salaheldeen, Michael Nelson
- An Evaluation of Caching Policies for Memento TimeMaps
- Justin F. Brunelle, Michael L. Nelson
- Extending Sitemaps for ResourceSync
- Martin Klein, Herbert Van de Sompel
- Multimodal Alignment of Scholarly Documents and Their Presentations
- Bamdad Bahrani, Min-Yen Kan
3:30 PM Session #11 Data
Session Chair: Brad Hemminger
- Visual-Interactive Querying for Multivariate Research Data Repositories Using Bag-of-Words
- Maximilian Scherer, Tatiana Von Landesberger, Tobias Schreck
- The Challenges of Digging Data: A Study of Context in Archaeological Data Reuse
- Ixchel Faniel, Eric Kansa, Sarah Whitcher Kansa, Julianna Barrera-Gomez, Elizabeth Yakel
- Constructing an Anonymous Dataset From the Personal Digital Photo Libraries of Mac App Store Users
- Jesse Prabawa Gozali, Min-Yen Kan, Hari Sundaram
- Modeling Heterogeneous Data Resources for Social-Ecological Research: A Data-Centric Perspective
- Miao Chen, Umashanthi Pavalanathan, Scott Jensen, Beth Plale
3:30 PM Session #12 Historical DLs
Session Chair: Edie Rasmussen
- Non-Linear Book Manifolds: Learning from Associations the Dynamic Geometry of Digital Libraries
- Richard Nock, Frank Nielsen, Eric Briys
- LSH-Based Large Scale Chinese Calligraphic Character Recognition
- Yuan Lin, Jiangqin Wu, Pengcheng Gao, Yang Xia, Tianjiao Mao
- Automatic Performance Evaluation of Dewarping Methods in Large Scale Digitization of Historical Documents
- Maryam Rahnemoonfar
- Semiautomatic Recognition and Georeferencing of Places in Early Maps
- Winfried Höhn, Hans-Günter Schmidt, Hendrik Schöneberg
09:00 AM Session #13 Preservation II
Session Chair: Tim Cole
- Access Patterns for Robots and Humans in Web Archives
- Yasmin Alnoamany, Michele C. Weigle, Michael L. Nelson
- Free Benchmark Corpora for Preservation Experiments: Using Model-Driven Engineering to Generate Data Sets
- Christoph Becker, Kresimir Duretec
- A scalable, distributed and dynamic workflow system for digitization processes
- Hendrik Schöneberg, Hans-Günter Schmidt, Winfried Höhn
- Domain-specific Image Geocoding: A Case Study on Virginia Tech Building Photos
- Lin Tzy Li, Otávio A. B. Penatti, Edward A. Fox, Ricardo Da Silva Torres