Jill Cousins is the Executive Director of the Europeana Foundation, responsible for Europeana.eu, and Director of The European Library. She is on the Board of Globethics and advises on the development of other digital libraries. She has many years experience in web publishing, which are now being applied to the libraries and the cultural heritage arenas. Her past experience includes the commercial publishing world as European Business Development Director of VNU New Media and scholarly publishing with Blackwell Publishing, running their online journals service. Prior to publishing, she had a variety of marketing and research careers in the information field. These ranged from being the Marketing and Event Director for Learned Information (Online Information) to managing her own research company, First Contact.
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Clifford Lynch has led the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) since 1997. CNI, jointly sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and EDUCAUSE, includes about 200 member organizations concerned with the intelligent uses of information technology and networked information to enhance scholarship and intellectual life. CNI’s wide-ranging agenda includes work in digital preservation, data intensive scholarship, teaching, learning and technology, and infrastructure and standards development. Prior to joining CNI, Lynch spent 18 years at the University of California Office of the President, the last 10 as Director of Library Automation. Lynch, who holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, is an adjunct professor at Berkeley’s School of Information.
He is both a past president and recipient of the Award of Merit of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Information Standards Organization. In 2011 he was appointed co-chair of the National Academies Board on Research Data and Information; he serves on numerous advisory boards and visiting committees. His work has been recognized by the American Library Association’s Lippincott Award, the EDUCAUSE Leadership Award in Public Policy and Practice, and the American Society for Engineering Education’s Homer Bernhardt Award.
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David De Roure is Professor of e-Research and Director of the interdisciplinary Oxford e-Research Centre, with a coordinating role in Digital Humanities at Oxford. He has worked closely with multiple disciplines across the sciences, social sciences and humanities and focuses on advancing digital scholarship: he has an extensive background in distributed computing, Web, Linked Data, social computing, digital social research and new forms of scholarly communication. His personal research is in "social machines" and in computational musicology, and he is a champion for the Web Science Trust and chair of the UK e-Science Forum. David previously held the post of Professor of Computer Science at University of Southampton where he was closely involved in the UK e-Science program.
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